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Clause Pattern: Subject – Verb – Direct Object – Adverbial (SVOd A )

Understanding the construction and use of the subject – verb – direct object - adverbial clause pattern

This pattern consists of a subject, a monotransitive verb, a direct object and an obligatory adverbial.

    Usually the adverbial in these sentences is concerned with location and it cannot be removed (hence the obligatory) or moved elsewhere in the sentence - otherwise the sentence would be incomplete or not make sense.

  • Imagine you place a heavy bowling ball in the centre of a trampoline – its mass bends the fabric, and it creates a dip. (Webb 2023)
  • Two returned to Canada and took the virus there. (Roossinck 2020)
  • This makes you sneeze, even without you having put something up your nose! (Johnson 2022)
  • The cells in the retina then send messages through the optic nerve, back towards the visual cortex . (Temple 2020)
  • We have only managed to put astronauts on the Moon six times so far. (Whittaker 2021)
  • Another helpful trait is that cockroaches lay their eggs in little protective cases . (Lovett 2022)
  • his is what happens when you put water into a kettle turn on the heat, and watch the steam floating out of the spout. (Bosi 2021)
  • They have to make sure to then keep some water behind the dam for people to use and let enough water through to preserve the river habitat below the dam. (Tarroja 2022)

Test your understanding of this Subject – Verb – Direct Object – Adverbial (SVOd A ) pattern Go to the (SVOd A) exercise page.

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