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Quotation Marks ( ❝ ❞ )

How to use quotation marks correctly

Quotation marks are used when speech is reported or when the original words of another text are quoted. The quotation mark is also used for titles and to indicate that a word or phrase is used in a special way. They always come in pairs, enclosing the quoted text.

You may not always see quotation marks exactly as originally formatted here: it depends on your computer system and your browser.

Quoted text

  • Here’s how the ancient Greek mathematician Metrodorus (400-350 B.C.) put it: A universe where Earth is the only world,words quoted he said, is about as believable as a large field containing a single stalk.
  • About 2,000 years later, in the 16th century, the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno suggested something similar. Countless suns and countless earths existed elsewhere, he said, all rotating round their suns in exactly the same way as the planets of our system.
  • Does this imply that a noisy computer can be creative? Alan Turing, pioneer of the general-purpose computing machine, believed this was possible, suggesting that if a machine is expected to be infallible then it cannot also be intelligent.


  • And it is different to the martial art form known as Tai Chi Chuan or Taijiquan. Tai chi is a mind-body exercise.
  • While the meat and cheese on your pizza also get brown, this is due to a different process called the Maillard reaction, which is named after French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard.

Special Uses

  • When light hits one one of these little balls of water, the light can change direction. We call this refraction.
  • Impact craters are relatively shallow, so these dents in Earth’s rocky crust (the surface bit we can see with our eyes) can be easily buried or wiped out by erosion.
  • Each seashell is a unique shape. Hollow and curved ones can catch some of the sounds around you. That’s when sound enters the opening of the shell.
  • Gravitational waves have given us new eyes to our Universe, allowing us to see things like black holes and neutron stars crashing together – because we can finally detect the tiny ripples they create.

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