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The Exclamation Mark ( ! )

How to use the exclamation mark correctly

The exclamation mark is used, usually at the end of a sentence, to give emphasis to something which is extraordinary or which the writer finds, or thinks the reader will find, surprising.

Exclamation Mark Examples

  • I would love to know what he would think today. Not only have we detected gravitational waves, but we’ve detected 90 unique events ! This is one of the biggest achievements in physics, and how they did it was nothing short of amazing .
    'he' in the example above refers to Einstein, mentioned earlier in the text.
  • But remember: The universe holds up to 2 trillion galaxies. That’s 2,000,000,000,000 ! And each galaxy contains tens or even hundreds of billions of stars
  • This high-speed collision – over 36000 kilometres per hour ! – releases a huge amount of energy that causes a lot of destruction     (context).

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